June 7 2025 Berlin Raceway Event Details

Event:          Berlin Raceway Club Promotion

                     2060 Berlin Fair Drive

                     Marne, MI 49435

Date:            Saturday, June 7, 2025

Time:            5:00 – 10:00 pm

Cost:            $10 per adult (age 16 and up)

Details:         Meet at the Berlin Raceway in the parking lot outside Turn 2 at 5:00pm – Look for BMW Flag in the Berlin Parking Lot.

BMW Club participants will take parade laps during the National Anthem, then park on the track in front of the crowd prior to the race start. We will drive off the track outside Turn 2 where we can park for the race duration (no cost for parking)

The first 24 cars to register will receive a 12×17 US flag window clip to display during the parade laps (can keep the flag).

This is a family event. Family members can ride with the driver during the laps.

Racing: Limited Late Models, 4-Cylinders, Vintage Racing Org., Mini Wedges

Each person is required to sign two insurance waivers. One for Berlin Raceway and one for BMW CCA.


Michiana Contact: Jeff Schutter email: michiana@bmwcca.org

Berlin Website: https://www.berlinraceway.com/